Private Vaults in The United States

Private Vaults in the United States are fast becoming a more secure option for those with special security requirements. Those security requirements could be due to a length of time away from the vault. So why would someone want a private vault or security box for a length of time?

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Private Vaults Are More Secure Than Banks?

If you believe that you may be going to prison for some time and need a more secure spot to hold your valuables (cash, jewelry, documents etc) don’t think about a commercial bank. Think more high tech and more secure.

You may also be facing a civil trial after your acquittal or sentencing; this would be the ideal time to sock away whatever you have so that prying eyes have no idea what you truly own.

There are certain places still left in the United States that offer 24/7 private vaults offering complete secrecy to their private vault clients at reasonable prices. One in particular was founded eight years ago by world renowned privacy expert, radio talk show host, and businessman, Mr. Elliot, the company’s private safe deposit boxes are available in a variety of sizes. You may choose to store U.S. dollars or foreign currency, gold, silver, rare coins, stock certificates, bonds, or anything of value in your private vault.

No identification, no Social Security Number or Employer Identification Number, address, telephone number, not even a name is required to store your valuables and cash at these private vaults. Access to the customer’s private vault is accomplished through iris recognition and a numerical code, anytime day or night. And your privacy is assured as the scanned recognition of the eye is encrypted once it enters the database, and it cannot be reproduced. Therefore, your “banking” privacy is guaranteed.

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Think it might be inconvenient to have your own private vault at a distance? Privacy has some concessions and is always more inconvenient and expensive than living an “average” lifestyle. However, with the proper information and knowledge of how to use those quality privacy resources available, neither you nor your business will suffer huge losses through theft of property or money.

Regardless of your storage requirements, small or large, a private vault will meet your business or individual demands. Totally private, more secure than any commercial bank I’ve seen, and staffed with excellent personnel, these unique companies are a privacy seeker’s dream. One particular company that comes to mind and is mention in the book Privacy Crisis; Identity Theft Prevention Plan and Guide to Anonymous Living staff are available to take calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Knowledgeable, customer service–oriented staff answer the phone and field questions 24/7. I understand the president of the company is also available at certain times during the week.

According to the president of this company, no business or person’s private vault is subject to seizure, because of the total absence of identity information required of customers. The company has no records of the names of individuals or business customers. Serious privacy advocates—especially those facing an emergency—believe the inconveniences associated with total privacy are a necessary and worthwhile trade-off for the guaranteed safety of their money.

If you find yourself facing a lengthy trial and need to move assets to a secure location, this book will give you all the details you need on how to safely do it and especially, which is the #1 company in the country to store your assets securely and without giving away your true identity. This book is an instant download and the information contained within is extremely valuable to your complete and total privacy. Click here to download “Privacy Crisis” right now!
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5 thoughts on “Private Vaults in The United States”

  1. I am retired now but like the idea of how private facility works. I will message the owners to see if they need people or have any help wanted positions available.

  2. May I ask your advice? I am thinking of starting a private storage facility but wondered about the legalities of storing other peoples items if they are illegal. How would I go about checking to see if the items stored in a secure private locker are legal or not?

    • Please seek proper legal counsel in this and all business/personal matters.
      Now then, with the preamble out of the way – I’m no storage expert, I’ll leave that up to the guys at But, I don’t imagine you could go into their storage unit or open their storage locker unless you smelled something really bad and were concerned. Even if a cop came across the unit he would need a warrant. Its their property and I think it’s treated like a residence – after all you have to evict them like a tenant.

    • I was thinking of getting a private vault but wonder if these places are bigger targets for robbery? You would think that these private vault companies would be surrounded by lots of cameras and big guys with guns. Its a wonder that people trust their local banks to hold their stuff in their lockboxes though so I guess if the private vault facility had better security then it might be worth the money. I do like the idea of private vault facilities being anonymous.


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