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Prison Terms and Inmate Slang

From Prison glossary of terms from Elective Withdrawals to External Off Grounds Clearance including some inmate slang. This page consists of prison glossary terms starting with the letter E.

Prison Glossary of Terms That Start With "E"


Earned Release Credit Date: A statutory release when the release credits earned and the actual time served by the inmate (including credit for pre-sentence incarceration) equal the sentence imposed by the court.

Elective Withdrawals: Transactions made from funds available in the offender's DOC account that are initiated by the offender (including but not limited to canteen purchases, CIPS, postage, copy charges, hobby supplies, and outgoing money orders).

Electronic Fund Transfer: A method of transmitting payments electronically to offenders through approved providers (Usually Western Union). Funds transmitted by EFT are automatically credited to the offender's account on a daily basis.

Electronic Monitoring: An electronic system consisting of a transmitter and receiver which is designed to monitor the presence of the offender at his/her residence or other location.

Electronic Restraint Device (ERD): An electronic restraining device which may be used alone or in conjunction with mechanical restraints. This includes the REACT Belt, Bandit, and Ultron II.

Electronic Search: A procedure involving the use of a walk-through or hand-held metal detection device.

Electronic Surveillance: Utilization of electronic systems to closely observe and monitor an offender including, but not limited to, the following:

  1. Electronic monitoring
  2. Electronic paging
  3. Global positioning.

Emancipation: Shall refer to a youthful offender who will live apart from his/her parents or family and will be programmed for independent living.

Emergency: A riot, organized group disturbance, DOC employee or offender work stoppage, fire causing serious damage or injury, natural disaster, hostage situation, [2-CO-3B-02] activation of facility emergency operations plan, and any other major incident of a similar nature which disrupts, or is likely to disrupt, normal operations of a facility or center.

Emergency Capacity: The number of beds that are beyond the designed capacity that are temporary in nature and are utilized due to emergency conditions either in the affected facility or any other DOC facility.

Emergency Count: A physical count taken at an unscheduled time based on a need determined by the shift commander. An emergency count will be a standing count.

Emergency Escorted Leave: Authorized/approved DOC employees escorting offenders from an assigned facility or center for the express purpose of allowing an offender to visit a critically or terminally ill immediate family member or to attend the viewing of an immediate family member.

Emergency Locks: Locks, controls, hatches, or gates along designated emergency routes that are operated by designated emergency keys.

Emergency Meal Service: Contingency meal plans for situations when normal kitchen operations cannot be followed.

Emergency Parole: A release for non-repetitive, first time offenders for purposes of relieving overcrowding.

Emergency Response Team (ERT): A designated, specially selected, and trained volunteer team at each facility, or division, utilized to contain and control the immediate crisis area, or to regain control of the area by force, if so directed.

Emergency Transport: Facility-provided transportation of an offender including armed or unarmed emergency medical transports.

Employed Offender: An offender who receives pay for work assignment, program participation, or unassigned status.

Escape: An act whereby an offender, without proper authority, leaves the confines of the facility or fails to return to official custody following temporary leave granted for a specific purpose and for a specified period of time.

Escape Paraphernalia: The following items are considered escape paraphernalia, but not limited to:

  1. Lock, lock picks, trip wires, locking devices, chain, rope, ladder, tool(s) (Class "A" or "B"), or other items which could be used to effect an escape
  2. Mask, wig, disguise, or any other means of altering normal physical appearance which would make ready identification of an offender difficult
  3. Mannequin, dummy, replica of a human body, or any item or device which would cause any offender to be counted as being present at a designated time and place when, in fact, he/she would be absent, or in any way would aid or abet the escape or walkaway of an offender
  4. Form of securities, bonds, coins, currency, legal tender, official papers or documents (other than papers or documents relative to judicial or administrative proceedings), unless expressly and specifically authorized by the warden/director, or designee, of the correctional facility concerned
  5. Item of an officer's uniform, civilian clothing, or other clothing, including badges, buttons, name tags, or items of personal identification, unless expressly and specifically authorized by the warden/director, or designee, of the correctional facility concerned.

Escapee: An offender who has escaped from custody of the DOC executive director.

Escort Vehicle: Vehicle used for the purpose of escorting or protecting the main transport vehicle to ensure the security and safety of the general public, DOC employees, contract workers, volunteers, and offenders.

Escorted Leave for Health Care Purposes: Escorted leave from an assigned facility or center to obtain the services of a private health care provider in accordance with administrative regulations.

Essential Medical Diet: A medical diet that is determined by an authorized Clinical Services DOC employee to be critical to an offender's health and must be served without interruption.

Evidence Log: A documented record of items maintained in the temporary evidence storage area and the master evidence/property depository. The log will record the type of evidence item/property, the assigned case number, the item, date, location where an item was recovered, where it is stored, evidence custodians' name accepting, date/time placed into, or removed from, the temporary storage area or evidence depository, reason for transfer in or out, and final disposition of the item. Every temporary evidence storage area, as defined in this administrative regulation, will have an evidence log, and the criminal evidence custodian will be responsible for maintaining the log.

Execution Team: DOC employees selected by the executive director to administer the lethal injection protocol and to provide adequate procedures and security throughout the execution process.

Ex-Offender: Any individual who has been convicted of a felony and has been discharged from the jurisdiction of the DOC or any other correctional jurisdiction.

Expanded Capacity: The number of housing spaces that are beyond the designed capacity of a facility. These beds are part of a facility's operational capacity.

Expungement: Obliterate, strike out, or destroy the subject matter identified.

External Labor Crews: Correctional Industries (CI) supervised labor or work crews that, by virtue of custody level and with the approval of the facility or center at which the offenders are assigned, are approved to work off-grounds.

External Off-Grounds Clearance: A classification committee clearance that allows the offender to attend a supervised work assignment outside of the offender's assigned facility's secure perimeter and off of DOC/prison property. DOC administrative heads shall have the discretion to override criteria on a case by case basis.

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